News With a Fuse

November 19, 2006

Going Dutch

The Dutch government has established a burqa ban! This is outrageous, I mean if you're going to ban an article of clothing, it should be the skinny jeans, because those are discriminatory! But a burqua? Sure, they're a little frumpy and style lacking, but not overly offensive. Leg warmers, now that's offensive, or those short knit shorts attached to the top, those don't look good on anyone. But the burqua? I mean who hasn't had a bad hair and wished they could just wrap their worries away?

Those poor Muslims in Holland. Well, at least they have prostitutes and pot to keep their mind off of things.

Actually with the US being the fattest nation, I'm surprised we haven't banned the skinny jeans yet. Don't worry. It's coming...